Well the mid winter cabin fever doesn't look like it has a chance this year.
We've actually been getting to know some of our neighbors, turns out that they like to do 'coffee'.
This Christmas was better than it has been, not as many quarrels.
We are back to schooling only one or two minor setbacks. We had puppies. Eight in total one passed so now we are learning about puppy parenting x 7.
I've been realizing that My fathers death has had a bigger affect on me than I thought. I had to admit it to myself and now I guess is when God can start the healing process with me, Now that I'm able to go there( a bit). Many things have been unraveling in my faith walk thanks to many wonderful sisters and mother in Christ. Time to get a move on and stop stalling growth.
I dream of the day that I can groove with God instead of being so fearful and stubborn. He is so faithful. xo